
We at TheFAQs.net love Evernote! If you haven't already downloaded Evernote an all your computers and mobile devices, we highly recommend it.

One thing I personally store in Evernote are the records of any work done on my car. Whether it's an oil change or new tires, I put it in Evernote so I have a running record of everything a mechanic does to my car.

One advantage to having Evernote on my smartphone is the ability to take photographs and to upload them directly into Evernote in one simple process. This makes it easy to create entries in Evernote without having to type anything. So, for example, when I take my car for an oil change, I use the photo tool in Evernote to snap a shot of the little sticker the mechanic puts on the upper driver's-side corner of my windshield. That way, when the hot Oklahoma sun fades the pen/marker from the sticker, I still have a clean, legible copy to which I can refer to find out when my car is due for another oil change.

One more example. Recently, I had four new tires put on my car. I also purchased roadside hazard warranty for each tire. All of the pertinent information about both the tires and the warranty were printed on the cash register receipt. I was cautioned to keep the receipt in a "safe place" because the ink on these receipts "fades quickly." Of course, this would render the warranty useless. So, I simply took a picture of the receipt with my smartphone and stored it in Evernote.

Again, if you haven't tried Evernote, you should. It's a fantastic tool that many people use for many different purposes.